Last weekend's romance novel was by new author Anna Campbell. She made quite a splash with the controversial Claiming the Courtesan. That one did not appeal but her second book sounded right up my alley.
Matthew Sheene, a marquis, has been held captive by his greedy uncle so that he, the uncle, can control the family fortune. Matthew suffered a fit of some sort when he was 14, and that is the basis for his uncles charges of insanity. Matthew himself is not sure of his sanity and, locked away on a small estate as he is, he has little to compare himself with and almost no human interaction. To make his captivity more palatable the uncle brings Matthew a woman to entertain him. Unfortunately for Grace, he kidnaps her, a widow, rather than a prostitute. At first Grace is very frightened of her situation, then begins to care for Matthew.
Unfortunately this book didn't work for me. I enjoyed it at first and was willing to suspend disbelief enough to accept the rather preposterous set up. I liked the characters, especially Matthew, and I think the author did very good job of making Matthew, who is powerless and a victim, hero material. Things went south for me about half way through the book in the third redundant sex scene. The author spends much more time on sex than on a developing relationship or the emotions of the charcters. Also the writing is overblown. I think this author was shooting for epic but ended up with melodramatic.
I think the seed of a good book is buried under all the wordy, overwrought prose. If the author could tone down the exaggeration, and aim for subtlety, her writing would greatly improve and her story could blossom. Bad metaphor, I know.
My Grade: C